Businesses that manufacture their products at home in the U.S. gain some major advantages. Manufacturing in the U.S. helps the domestic job market and can boost local economies. You can slash lead times by manufacturing your products at (or near) your existing business locations and closer to your customers. You can even help the environment by reducing your business’s carbon footprint.
But manufacturing in the U.S. can also build a strong customer base, drive sales, and help your marketing and sales departments close deals. Here’s how making your products at home can boost your sales efforts.
1. Americans Prefer Products Made in the U.S.
When asked, American consumers resoundingly indicate that they want to buy products that are made in the U.S. A Consumer Reports survey found that nearly 80% of respondents said they prefer products made in the U.S. Over 60% said they would pay up to 10% more for products made in the U.S.
One of the biggest reasons for this preference is the perceived quality of American-made products. Another is that consumers may believe that buying American-made products is the best way to support workers and the economy. And because foreign-made products have to be shipped across the ocean to reach the U.S., consumers who care about the environment may prefer American products with a lower carbon footprint.
2. Marketing and Sales Gain an Advantage
Because American consumers prefer American-made products, marketing and sales teams gain a competitive advantage when they can accurately claim their products are manufactured domestically. Products made in America can be delivered quicker, and businesses that manufacture in America may be viewed as more reliable and attentive to customer needs.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, marketers and manufacturers who make “all or virtually all” of their product in America can promote their products using the “Made in the USA” label. One study found that products with a “Made in USA” claim resulted in sales that were 28% higher than products that did not have such a claim.
3. Customers Can Receive Better Service
Manufacturing in the U.S. can help your business ensure quality customer service. You can guarantee your products meet U.S. industry requirements and your own quality standards. Your customers gain better consumer protections. And you can more easily deliver orders on time because your lead times will be much shorter.
Delivering great service builds trust and a lasting relationship with customers. Your customers will remember that you take good care of them. And building an ongoing relationship with your customers can help drive repeat sales, which is the lifeblood of many businesses.
In Closing
Better sales numbers aren’t the only reason to keep your manufacturing in the U.S. But when your customer base cares about keeping manufacturing jobs in the U.S., it’s a valuable marketing and sales tool that can help you build brand loyalty and repeat business.